Hello there,
The other day I was showing a bride to be some of the bridal dresses we have, she specifically asked to see the “Bridal Silva Gown and Dress”. I quickly got changed into the dress, and I realized just how sexy the dress is, even more so the top is absolutely gorgeous. So I started to look around for a nice skirt I could match with this top, I wanted something short with a lovely stamp and with a light movement. So I tried on the “ Exotic Alexis” in black and tada! It made for a perfect outfit for a night out.
Ah don’t forget to enjoy our DNR group on Facebook! :D We are working on brining you fantastic information ;) stay tune!
El otro dia le mostraba a una futura novia algunos de nuestros vestidos de la coleccion para novias que tenemos, ella especifico que queria ver la coleccion “Bridal Silva Gown and Dress”. Me cambie rapidamente y me di cuenta de lo sexy que es este vestido, mas aun la parte de la blusa que es absolutamente grandiosa. Asi que despues me puse a buscar una falda con que combinarla, queria algo corto con un adorable estampado y movimiento liguero. Asi que me probe la falda de “Exotic Alexis” en negro y Bingo! Me hize del perfecto conjunto para salir esa noche.
No olvides que ahora tenemos grupo en Facebook, estamos trabajando para darte fantasticas noticas, mantente en linea!
Ake! :3
Ake! :3