Saturday, December 08, 2007

Thank You from Nicky Ree

I was pleasantly surprise and happy to hear that I won "The Best Formal" in the first annual Bloggers Choice Award 2007.

But all the nominees deserve a round of applause and credit for great work that got them nominated in the first place.

I am also very happy for my friend Shai who swept the table with her talent , creativity and skills. A big Congratulations to Shai :).

This has been a good year for me and I have grown from a small little corner space in a very good friend's store (Rezolution) to owning my very own island sim.

Join me in celebrating this on the 14th of December with an early Christmas party with live performances from 4 great live music performances.

Details are as follows:

8 am SLT - Ed Lowell

12 pm SLT - Soko Yoshiyuki

1pm SLT - harpo Jedburgh

5 pm SLT - Takamura Keiko

Nicky Ree

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